
设计:于强室内设计师事务所 | 项目地点:英国 | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2017-09-15 6662 119


        于强室内设计师事务所的精品会所【水湾 1979 云端会所】项目与商业新作【长安鼎峰悦境营销中心】项目在首次参与海外设计奖项 —— 伦敦设计奖(LONDON DESIGN AWARDS)的过程中,从世界各地 —— 据大数据统计 8000 至 10000 件参赛作品中脱颖而出,成功一同入围伦敦设计奖,分别获得国际休闲会所空间(International Hospitality)与国际商业空间(International Commercial)的入围提名。2017年11月1日将由伦敦设计奖(LONDON DESIGN AWARDS)官方公布获奖名单,让我们一同期待。

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        伦敦设计奖(LONDON DESIGN AWARDS)隶属在 Design 100 项目下,Design 100 拥有 75,000 名会员和 20,000 合作组织。经过超过十年的发展,在伦敦设计节期间颁发的伦敦设计奖已成为英国设计界最有影响力的荣誉。该奖项颁发给为伦敦设计做出巨大贡献的设计师个人或者团体,分设终身成就奖、设计企业家奖和设计新秀奖。曾获得该奖项的设计师包括才华非凡的彼得·萨维尔、马克·纽森、保罗·史密斯、扎哈·啥迪德、托马斯·赫斯维克和阿拉德。




▲Water Bay 1979 Club - Over the Clouds

YuQiang & Partners  | Interior Design - International Hospitality


Water Bay 1979, the first city complex community based on art in China, has invited the top artist of China and professional institute of art to conceive the project from A to Z. In the terms of work composition and after-hand-over operation and so on, this project undoubtedly has been entitled the public aesthetic space of human-habitat. But Water Bay 1979 Club, presenting fundamental role as a sales office, plays to the extreme the design method blending contemporary art.



▲HappyLand Sales Office in the Downtown

YuQiang & Partners  | Interior Design - International Commercial


HappyLand Sales Office is located in Changan Downtown and strews at random in high buildings nearby. Because of its intervention, this grew old town marches forward under its sparkling presence. Perforated silver aluminum panels, adhering to the façade, covers this square-like site and work as an effective medium to keep the air circulating while decreasing a part of noise outside. But concise Origami-shaped vertical skin increases the area of contacting air while making the gigantic dull ‘box’ dynamic instantly, as if rippling on the water and causing an ambience of co-existence between movement and still while contrasting with raucous street beside; the square placed in front of the building strengthen the atmosphere of dignity and grace, auxiliary to the sales office as a steady fortress to defend external invasion.

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▲于强室内设计师事务所总经理/设计总监 于强先生



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