【首发】POSAMO 十邑设计:赛车书房别墅设计

项目地点:台中 | 2017-06-07 270 3


"991 GT3 with gemballa GTR + 550 complete car in posamo garage"

When racing cars join hands with study room, how many infinite imaginations and superb performances can they bring out?

1971年,一台有着911特式车型相同涂装的22号Porsche 917k赛车,拿下了24小时LeMans耐力大赛的冠军,创下5335.313公里、397圈(即平均车速时速222.3公里)的惊人记录,成为代表革命、突破与传奇的速度领先者。

In 1971, a special type of racing car, Porsche 917k No. 22 which has the same coating of Porsche 911, won Le Mans 24 Hours Endurance World Championship and broke an astonishing record of 5335.313 kilometers and 397 times (The average car speed is 222.3 kilometers per hour).


骋驰于赛场上的霸主Porsche 917是每个跑车迷的梦想,如今已绝版、英国出产的金属限量超跑super martini等比模型就在书房呼啸而过,红白蓝相间的赛车跑道,完美的颜色比例,透过特殊浮板设计脱开原本的墙面,色带顺着180度角拉伸成规矩直线,创造不同的视觉体验,而从车尾灯喷射的午夜蓝双色线带,更是加强了速度感!

Galloping on the arena, the overlord, Porsche 917, is the dream of every sports car fan. The undistorted model of British-produced limited sports cars Super Martini is zipping by the study room. The red, white and blue racing track with special design of floating plate trips out of the original wall. The colored ribbons along the 180-degree angle stretch into ruled straight and create different visual experience. Besides, the midnight blue-colored ribbons jetting from the car tail lights strengthen the sense of speed!


Lines extend from the wall to the ceiling, and even the fine texture of material is dragged by the speed. They interpret the sense of speed and spatial tension in this space.

在外奔驰后,需要褪去那一身傲人的热气,选用同等级、同样有力的高质感享LASKO 风扇(风量288cfm、风速 15m/s,最大马力1500rpm),这能与跑车热气相较量的排风扇,也给予相同的色带标志来说明它的非凡。

After galloping, they need to take off that proud heat. With the LASKO fan which has the same grade and high texture (288 cfm of air volume, 15m/s of wind speed, 1500rpm of maximum power), the exhaust fan not only can be compared with the sports cars’heat but also has the same color ribbons as sports cars and illustrate its extraordinariness.

设计公司:POSAMO 十邑设计
设  计  师:King Wang 王胜正



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