Colin Seah:槟城Loke Thye Kee住宅式饭店设计

设计:Ministry of Design | 项目地点:马来西亚 | 类别:居住空间 | 2017-06-08 9583 61

Loke Thye Kee Residential Hotel, Malaysia

Loke Thye Kee Residences is situated in the heart of Georgetown Penang, one of 5 Malaysian UNESCO world sites rich in heritage. MOD’s design draws inspiration from this heritage and specifically the historic Loke Thye Kee restaurant, its 100-year-old namesake and neighbor. Both the restaurant and the residences re developed by the same owner, 1919 Global Sdn Bhd. 

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        Loke Thye Kee住宅位于槟城的Georgetown的中⼼区,这是联合国教科文组织评定的5个⻢来西亚世界建筑遗产遗址最丰富的地区之⼀。MOD 的设计灵感就来源于这⽚建筑遗迹,尤其是具有100年悠久历史并于该区域同名的Loke Thye Kee饭店。


▲饭店入口/hotel entrance

Harking back to the romance of the early 1900’s, Loke Thye Kee Residences recalls the spirit of a bygone era but adds its own contemporary twist to modernize the living experience.

Colin Seah, Founder-Director explains: “I was very inspired by the romance of Penang in the 1900s, the mood and design of that bygone era was beguiling. we wanted to recall a similar charm in our design for the LTK Residences, but with an added contemporary twist that would modernise the experience and make it relevant for living today.”

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        Loke Thye Kee住宅的设计承袭了20世纪初的时代的精神和浪漫情怀,同时⼜增加了现代主义的理念和生活体验。设计结合了传统店屋的庭院和小巷式的布局。每五套房前都设置了一个郁郁葱葱的共享花园广场,并为每套房间配置了一个独⽴的私人阳台。

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Set in 5 pre-war shophouses characteristic of Georgetown, Loke Thye Kee Residences complements the Loke Thye Kee restaurant by providing 5 suites for both long and short-term guests. Designed amidst the footprint of the traditional shophouse courtyard and alleyway, each of the 5 suites is preluded by a lush garden forecourt and an intimate private balcony. The suites are furnished with soaring pitch roofs and all suites are well appointed with living areas and full facility pantry spaces.

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▲皇室套房/suite king


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▲双床房/suite twin 1

The traditional meets the contemporary on several levels, from the materiality to the spatial experience. Traditional timber hardwood floors are contrasted with customized contemporary fixtures that are designed to appear as if levitating. The rough texture of the original brick walls are visually enlivened by hidden LED cove lighting and the typically enclosed vanity and wardrobe spaces are celebrated as transparent glass boxes which seamlessly extend into the rest of the room. Floor rugs, cushion fabrics and furniture pieces were chosen to reflect the central theme of adding a contemporary twist to the traditional.


▲双床房/suite twin 2

MOD also designed all the branding and in-room collateral in order to provide a holistic experience, ranging from a quirky pillow menu, to a food map navigating the area’s street food, the room service menu, TV menu etc. The artwork was specially commissioned for the project and it reflects the spirit of historic Penang framed in a modern way.

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▲品牌贴纸/directory collage

平面布局图/floor plans


▲地面层布局图/ground floor plan


▲一层布局图/first floor plan


 ▲典型客房布局图/typical room plan

设计公司:Ministry of Design

设计师:Colin Seah, Kevin Leong, Joyce Low, Ruth Chong, Tiang Yuping, Sarah Conceicao, Don Washington Castaneda, Richard Herman, Norberto Olegario, Noel Banta, Lolleth Alejandro, Aliza Suarez, Danielle Liu, Ron Sim


发展商:1919 Global Sdn Bhd

提案设计公司:K.H. Tan Architect



摄影师:CI&A Photography (Edward Hendricks)

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