For 20 years, PERIPHERIQUES MARIN + TROTTIN Architects have been inscribing the practice of their profession in a pool and collective register and a willingness to invite other architects for specific collaborations or more durable, and for realizing joint projects. A trademark / an attitude: the anti- ego. Always with the same sharing requirement, MARIN + TROTTIN Architects are also publishers (IN- EX projects, USAGES Reviews), and organize events and exhibitions with the French Touch association. Moreover, David TROTTIN teaches in several National Higher School of Architecture. Playing with established rules and diverting evidence, backed by a strong experiment on the individual or collective housing, as well as on cultural, educational buildings, the tertiary, or on transport equipment such as metro stations, MARIN + TROTTIN Architects wish to bring an extra dimension to single use, with a multidisciplinary expertise. Motors of building teams and projects from their premises to hand-over, seasoned with rich programmatic complexities proposals, MARIN + TROTTIN Architects know how to federate, aggregate and transcend all the talents necessary for the completion and realization of a project.



\ Périphériques Architectes

\ Architects

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