NC Design & Architecture Ltd. (NCDA) is a Hong Kong-based architectural design firm specializing in retail, restaurant, hospitality and residential projects. We cover the full design remit encompassing interiors, bespoke furniture and innovative products, through to graphic design and the development of exclusive brand narratives.

We’re interested in developing creative projects that reinvent the experience of space through meaningful connections. We focus on engaging through storytelling, developing new ways for people to interact with their world and each other.

For us, storytelling is the art of inspiration. Our projects exist at the intersection of art and architecture and help start creative collaborations, stimulate interesting conversations, and deliver projects with their own visual identity that tell a unique story.

At the heart of this is our hands-on research-based approach that brings an expressive consideration of details, integrating every element of the design process to elevate the ordinary in extraordinary new, refreshing ways. This means reframing the everyday, reworking old and new forms, considering local and global strategies, while focusing our designs around simplicity in form, materials and sublime details with functionality always at the core.

NCDA works at many different scales, an approach that supports provision of a complete design service from architecture and furniture to tailored details like signage and uniforms. You’ll see no two projects look the same. That’s because we are not about imposing our style but instead look to define yours.

Intrigued? We have more to tell about how we’ve designed some of the most innovative immersive concepts around a narrative that challenges typologies.

Flora Chan


\ NC Design & Architecture Ltd

\ Marketing Secretary

简介 Introduction

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