I am currently completing a Master of Architecture Degree at the University of Dundee. I am passinate about architecture and design and have many of skills and attributes required to pursue a career in this profession. I have a versatile, adaptable and enthusiastic attitude to work and am a highly committed self motivated individual. I work flexibly in a team or alone, using my initiative to overcome problems and am conscientious competent and reliable in producing high quality work to deadline.

本人于2015年毕业于英国邓迪大学并获得建筑学硕士学位,对于建筑学我持有很高的热情,并且拥有很多专业技能,有着对建筑事业的专业态度。我多才多艺,适应能力强,并且对工作充满热情,拥有高度的合作意识和单独完成任务的自主能动性。 我即能在团队工作中保持灵活性,也能在独立完成任务时克服困难。我会用实际行动来认真解决问题并完成任务。 我在生活中,经常细心留意每一个元素,并记录这些元素以在设计中迸发灵感。每一个人都有可能成为设计师,因为世界是那么美好。



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