Noah Walker:贝弗利山庄橡树住宅设计

设计:Walker Workshop | 项目地点:美国 | 类别:居住空间 | 2017-06-01 10643 74

Oak Pass House

Beverly Hills, CA, USA

The Oak Pass Main House sits atop a 3.5-acre ridge site with panoramic canyon views. The property's topography and landscape, which most notably include over 130 protected Coast Live Oak Trees, were the primary drivers for the house's design. In order to showcase and amplify the site's inherent beauty, the house's mass is buried into the hillside, with only a one-story pavilion above grade as it unfolds along the ridge. 


         这座橡树之家坐落在美国加州贝弗利山庄占地为3.5英亩的山脊上,享有峡谷的全景。在住宅得天独厚的地形和景观中,其中最著名的包括超过130岁树龄并且受保护的海岸活橡树,这也是住宅设计的主要驱动力之一。 为了展示和最大化项目地本身具备的美景,房子被“埋在”山坡上,只有一层楼高的建筑,并且沿着山脊向外展开。



The house's upper level is composed of an array of masses that contains the kitchen, living, and dining areas. Each of these components rotates slightly to frame a unique perspective, together creating a panoramic impression of the canyon from the inside. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors pocket into the walls, dissolving the structure into a series of planes that facilitates a gentle continuity between the interior and exterior spaces.



        房子的较上层包含厨房、居住区和用餐区。 这些日常生活的组成部分中的每一个都稍微旋转倾斜一定的角度以构成一个独特的视角,从而从里面可以观赏到峡谷的全景。将落地玻璃门插入墙壁中,把结构拆解成一系列的平面,有助于室内外空间的连续性。




On the lower level, a hallway to the east grants access to the bedrooms, which open to sweeping views of the canyon below. A sunken courtyard flanks the hallway, bringing in light and air from above, and creating a more intimately-scaled outdoor space that serves the house's private programmatic functions.





On its exterior, the house meets the site delicately by absorbing, reflecting, and merging with its features. Much of the lower level sits beneath a vegetated roof, which folds the structure into the hillside and pulls the landscape to the base of the living spaces above. Bisecting the house, a seventy-five foot infinity lap pool creates continuity between the trees and their reflection in the water, accentuating the vastness of the landscape and extending its most striking characteristics across the property. 

         房子的外观,通过吸收、反射和融合其属性,精准地和项目地。 较低层的大部分空间都坐落在被植包覆屋顶的下方,这样的屋顶将建筑“藏”在山丘里,并将景观拉到上面生活空间的底部。 七十五英尺的无边界游泳池将房屋一分为二,通过树林之间创造连贯性,并在水中产生倒影,突显出景观的浩瀚,扩展了整个房子最突出的特征。



The material palette, both on the interior and exterior of the house, is reminiscent of the earth, and enhances without overpowering the landscape. The use of a primarily concrete structure enables longer spans and cantilevers throughout the house, creating a weightlessness of form that at critical points anchors firmly into the earth. This method of construction generates a simultaneous impression of lightness and heft, a juxtaposition that is characteristic of the tree-lined hills of which the house becomes an integrated component. 

        房子室内外所用的材料颜色让人联想到地球,选择的材料颜色强化了这种感觉而并没有压倒景观。使用的主要混凝土结构可以在整个房子内实现更长的跨距和悬臂,从而在关键点紧紧地固定在土地里中,形成了一种失重的感觉。 这样的施工方法产生了一种同时轻盈而又沉重的印象,一种绿树成荫的感觉,房子成为其中的一个组成部分。


官方项目名:Oak Pass House



项目面积:8,000 sf

客户:Nathan Frankel

设计公司:Walker Workshop

项目经理:Noah Walker

结构工程师John Labib & Associates

民用工程师:Barbara L. Hall, P.E.

摄影:Joe Fletcher

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