谜舍设计: Basic Coffee

设计:谜舍设计工作室 | 项目地点:北京 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2017-04-20 10013 75

曾煜娴:Basic Coffee设计

  Basic Coffee选址于北京建外Soho,是北京出名的快节奏繁华商务地段.委托我们设计的Monica将咖啡馆命名为“Basic Coffee”,意在做一个纯粹简单、更接近于咖啡本质的咖啡厅.基于这样的定位,我们也试图通过设计的语言去探索场所空间的本质,以最自然最轻盈的姿态去呈现这个咖啡厅.

Basic Coffee locates in Jianwai Soho, the famous and passionate Business Central Disrict of Beijing. In pursuit of the pure spirit of coffee, the owner Monica named it “Basic Coffee”, forming up an atmosphere of easy and simple feeling for every client. In order to achieve this, and to present the coffee shop in a most natural and comfortable way, we will express our design concept as following.

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The usable floor area in the shop is average, natural lighting from both sides. Space can be used for design is limited due to one spiral stairs in the middle of the room. However in parallel, spiral stairs help added some light in the center of the room space in addition to the natural lighting from both sides, which make the room rich in light resources. This triggered us to think about “Let lights design”, namely simplify the all design elements in the space while let all elements serving the light in the room. 

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Main color tone is defined in white and wooden color, which is commonly known best in pairing and presenting the lights. White in ceiling, white in wall, white coffee bar table, white floor, wooden color table and sofa, wooden color layer board and door frame. A fresh and natural atmosphere can be felt easily in this white and wooden color world.

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About room illumination, we tried to minimize the lights as well as the light color scheme, in order to avoid artificial lightings being overwhelming. The spiral stairs in the room stands for a sculptural vision, strong and impacting, in perfect compare, other elements in the room are designed and distributed natural and soft, no exaggeration.

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Main color tone for toilet Is also set in white, while making the light source half hide. Though simulates, It Is very close to natual light feeling.

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设计公司 : 谜舍设计工作室

Design:Nazodesign Studio

位置 : 中国北京


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  • 谜舍设计: Basic Coffee


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