璧川设计事务所:Snow Brewing 雪酿

项目地点:台北 | 2022-01-25 112 0


Snow Brewing


Taipei 台北市
70坪 231m²

Good times are like a bottle of good wine; the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes. With the wine cellar as the space image, let's brew the sweet life of the future. Imagine being in the cold North and dragging your exhausted body home every day. As soon as you open the door, you immediately place yourself in the warm cottage of the snowy land. Looking out into the snow and ice through the glass windows framed by the brick walls, and comparing the view with the sheer warmth of brick walls and the solid wood inside, you will feel extremely settled and at peace. The continuous arc-shaped arcade subtly covered the original beams and columns, so that it naturally surrounded the space in which the family gathers, and preserved the warm and wonderful domestic vibe inside.


Design Director: Angelo Cho

Project Director: Nomas Chen

Project Team: Debbi Liang , Johnny Lin  

Photographer: Angelo Cho


设计总监: 卓思齐

专案总监: 陈明封

专案团队: 梁玮玲、林晋宏

空间摄影: 卓思齐

Wooden flooring is introduced on the master bedroom's small porch

floor to add some warmth to the bedroom.


Following the arc-shaped arcade, the columns are wrapped into the cylindrical

decorations of the space; what on the inside are not the original structural columns,

but the air ducts that introduce fresh air from the outside into the basement.




As the wonderful times of home are incubated in it.




\ 上海璧川設計有限公司

\ 室內設計

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