HBA 魏沁如:设计师如何创造未来?

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That one can only truly understand themselves,if they can truly understand their circumstances.

---John Mills, Sociologist 




As Mills said, everyone needs to observe and understand the age in-depth, to think independently, to retain self-expression, and to keep the freedom of heart.






The same can be said of life, design, and art: Coco Chanel made black elegant at a time when black represents the darkest moment; Klimt decorated his pictures with jewelry, metal, glass, and even gold, symbolizing desire. Malevich painted white geometry on a white picture to reshape artistic thinking.



They are in The Times but do not go with the flow. They create with independent thinking, let the color luster in new ways.



Today, the symbols and images brought about by informatization draw people into the cage of homogenization, at the same time, it has used digitally to fill the nuances of need.



From the detailed division of labor to the customization of products,

Among the millions of people in our society,  self-expression always rich and diverse, it is also the eternal topic of human discussion in every era.



To this end, Designwire, together with Kohler, invited designer masters from around the world, to discuss the individual needs of people and life in contemporary society, and how design can cope with the diversified future.






HBA合伙人伙伴魏沁如是一位热爱旅游、挖掘各种人类习性的室内设计师。在超过18年的设计管理经验中,秉持着对设计的好奇心与关怀,设计触从品牌规划、酒店、餐饮 、延伸至住宅以及商业空间。近十年的合作酒店品牌遍及欧洲以及亚洲。目前居住在新加坡。


Interview outline for designers:From ordinary to extraordinary



Q1:In the information age, the phenomenon of sameness appears in all fields. As a designer, what should be done to maintain independent thinking?


HBA: “品味是一种习惯”


资讯洪流下,大部分信息变成了没有机会消化的食物。HBA魏沁如坚持每天离开30 分钟,在一个安静的地方阅读,剥离并消化成有用信息,看见美丽的细节。






There is a phrase, ‘we look like what we eat.’ I would like to extend it to ‘we create

what we think’. 



We are in the era of information explosion; some people might use ‘information harassment’ to describe the situation.



We received most of the information from the internet.  Smart phone / devices are occupying the most of our spare time which we used to be our ‘ME’ time for going through the day. 

我们从互联网上获得了大部分的信息。 智能设备占据了我们大部分的业余时间,而这些时间是我们用来度过一天的 "我 "的时间。


Thus, that information becomes the food that we did not have chance to digest.  If we cannot digest, it will not transform to be something benefited to our body.  

因此,这些信息成为我们没有机会消化的食物。 如果我们不能消化,它就不会转化为对我们身体有益的东西。

I will suggest leaving yourself at least 30 mins per day and not looking at the phone.  Just being in a quiet place to read and maybe think about the materials you touched and beautiful details you saw that day.  

我建议每天至少留给自己30分钟的时间,不看手机。 只在一个安静的地方阅读,思考当天接触到的材料和看到的美丽细节。


Once it becomes the habit, it will follow you to anywhere and anything you experience. The sense of aesthetic will accumulate. It will be formed in the way to express your thinking and personally.  



In the work, we will find your opinion and what you want to show to the world.  



Q2:What is your most self-expression? What kind of design do you think can be called self-expression design? Do you think the concept of self-expression and humanity conflict?











I like to introduce an artist or use a movie as the narrative when I start the new project.  Art, music, and movies are always my interests in the personal life.  All of them can represent my feeling and personal taste.  We bring what we love to create the spirit for the project and connection to the cultural and history of the project location.  

我喜欢在新项目的开始时候介绍一个艺术家或者用一部电影作为叙事。 艺术、音乐和电影一直是我个人生活中的兴趣所在。 所有这些可以代表我的感觉和个人品味。 我们将我们所挚爱的东西用于创造项目的精神,并与项目所在地的历史文化相关联。


The project will have its own soul and you will see it also carries your personality.  Bringing the personal taste in design will create the unique aesthetic and style to the space.  However, we need to always consider the experience of the guests, the experience will affect by if it’s user friendly.  It will all depends on who will be the target market / guests and the space should be designed for them.

项目会有自己的灵魂,你会看到它也带有你的个性。 将个人的品味带入设计中,将为空间创造出独特的审美和风格。 而我们需要始终考虑客人的体验,如果它是用户友好的,体验将有所不同。 这一切都取决于谁将是目标市场和客户,空间应该始终围绕他们而设计。

It is the differences in between art and design.  Design needs to consider the functionalities to serve the users and create a vision of life.

这就是艺术和设计之间的区别。 设计需要考虑为用户服务的功能,并创造美好生活的愿景。


Q3:What kind of design do you think can cope with the diversity of needs?


Flexibility will be the key word. 

In the hotel design, the request for planning the space for multi-purposes is getting more. Furniture have to be able to be moved and the space can be changed from a hotel lobby to an art gallery or a special exhibition for the commercial need.  It will bring the fresh experience when the guests are visiting the space again.  



在酒店设计中,对多用途空间的规划要求越来越多。家具必须能够被移动,空间可以从酒店大堂变成艺术画廊或商业需要的特别展览。 当客人再次访问这个空间时,会带来新鲜的体验。


Q4: What are your design concerns and development goes in the future? What will furniture (material, concept, function, color, performance) in the future be?





The environmentally friendly materials will play a main role of the furniture design in the future.



The luxury fashion brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci etc. has started going green and aim to reduce the carbon footprints. Countless brands are following the trend and now declare themselves eco-friendly.



For the interior design, there are some companies developing the self-clean fabric. It will help to reduce the frequency of cleaning in order to save water resources.   



We believe there will be more demand of green and durable materials and it will also apply to the interior design in the near future. 



Q5: When you think of black, white, and gold, what comes to mind first? If you design the space use black, white, and gold, what kind of thinking would you use to break out of the tradition and make the project unique? What is your design method? Can you give an example?








Black, white, and gold indeed will make us to think the space might be more traditional.  When the colour palate has big contrast, we can design the space in the architecture way. Clean lines and volume of the millwork will make the materials to show their own personalities. 

黑、白、金的确会让我们觉得这个空间可能比较传统。 当色调有很大的对比时,我们可以用建筑的方式来设计空间。简洁的线条和木制品的体积会使材料显示出它们自己的个性。


The best example is the retail shop of Yves Saint Laurent, the shop is composed by black, white stone, silver mirror and gold metal.  The space appears a very minimal, surreal, and futuristic experience.  

最好的例子是YSL的零售店,由黑色、白色石头、银镜和金色金属组成。 整个空间显得简约而超现实,甚至是未来感的体验。





Q6:What impact do you think digital design will have on human living? What will it optimize and improve?



Digital application is an inseparable part of our life and becoming more so every day. So many daily functions are just seamlessly transferred from analog to digital without a blink of an eye. Online payment using your handheld device being just one example.



In the near future the digital technology will be integrated with the space design and the information will come to us seamlessly.  The mirror in the bathroom will remind you the time and scan your health condition while you are brushing your teeth; the wireless charger is integrating with the coffee table and kitchen counter.  There will be no more cable in our space.

在不久的将来,数字技术将与空间设计相结合,信息会无缝地来到我们身边。 比如浴室里的镜子会提醒你时间,并在你刷牙时扫描你的健康状况;无线充电器正在与咖啡桌和厨房柜台整合,空间里将不再有电缆。



We also notice that Kohler have produced the SMART collection to bring more conveniences to our life.  The kitchen faucet can be voice controlled for different functions and your hand don’t need to touch the water mixer while you are chopping meat.

我们还注意到,科勒生产的SMART系列为我们的生活带来了更多便利。 厨房的水龙头可以通过语音控制不同的功能,当你在切肉的时候,你的手不需要接触水龙头。

The technology will definitely offer more options and create the different lifestyle.  



Q7: How to understand the connection between art and contemporary residential life?


A general wisdom says that when you elevate your home, you elevate your life.



Art establishes a focal point, defines a colour palette in which the mediums can range from a painting, sculpture, photography, or even a sculptural light feature. Art creates mood and adds a personal touch to one’s space, where a home should be a personal expression of one’s soul, the reflection of one’s taste and express the character to the space.


It forges a connection to the world, where the art can be a historical antique, or even a piece of painting that has traveled miles from another continent to the walls of your home.









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