
设计: | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2019-11-03 7509 60


The Future Harbour City – background and aspirations

「湾区未来港」: 设计背景及愿景

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The 4 most significant bay areas of the world are by no coincidence the epi-centres of global economy and cultural production. In February 2019, China’s development plan of the Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area provided the framework for the creation of world class city waterfront regeneration.

世界四大湾区,是文明和繁华的象征。2019年2月, 《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》勾画了一个国际湾区的宏伟蓝图。

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The Guangchuan shipyard played a key role in Guangzhou’s celebrated industrial history, it will be transformed into a “Future Harbor City”, a pioneering landmark for the Greater Bay Area.


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Founded on state of the art ecological and urban principles Spark’s master plan for the Guangzhou shipyard seeks to celebrate this rare opportunity to transform this ostensibly 19th century shipyard into a dynamic, vibrant, diverse and balanced mixed-use development that has at its heart homage to the unique heritage of the China National leviathan of the ship building industry.


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We also aim to integrate local ecological, pedestrian, vehicular and transport networks into a seamlessly connected easy to understand system that ensures commercial viability, good business addresses and critical connectivity into the existing city fabric. The master plan brings together ship building heritage, the important platform for the demonstration of new technologies with contemporary sustainable living and working in a new compact urban district.

这个系统的目的是确保基地商业的活力与其周边的联系。我们的总体规划设计将船厂的文化遗产作为新兴科技产业的发展平台,同时也将船厂遗址重建为当代可持续发展的高密度新城区。规划中丰富的活动,良好的连通性,紧凑且高质量的公共空间, 确保广船地塊成为世界级的出行、娱乐与当代生活的目的地。

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Land use



Base on the approved city government master plan, Spark’s Future Harbour City master plan focuses on improving two areas: public space quality and pedestrian networks. “One Centre, One Ring, Three Zones” is the urban structure aims at enhancing public space quality and pedestrian connections in the 2km-long site.  The major land use of the master plan includes commercial facilities, offices, residential developments and a riverfront heritage park.

在上层规划的土地利用基础上, 透过适当整合, 归纳出「湾区未来港」对公共空间及人行动线的优化, 打造「一心、一环、三带」,集商业、办公、住宅和滨江工业遗产主题公园于一体。

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Project highlight: “One Centre, One Ring, Three Zones”

项目亮点 :「一心一环三带」


The main structure of Spark’s master plan is “One Centre, One Ring, Three Zones”.

“One Centre” refers to the “Future Valley”, which sits at the heart of the development connects metro access with the development’s multi-level pedestrian network; “One Ring”, the Guangchuan Ring, draws visitors from the city centre to the Riverfront Heritage Park. It is the master plan’s main pedestrian circulation network. “One Centre” and “One Ring” connects the “Three Zones”: “Commercial Zone”, “Living Zone” and “Riverfront Heritage Zone”.

规划的「一心一环三带」的整体结构。「一心」是以未来谷为核心的广船地块门户区域;「一环」 是围绕中心区域是一条工业遗产互动环道,我们叫它「广船环」。它作为项目基地内的主要步行动线,连接了滨江船台,船厂后街,下沉广场,未来谷,以及龙门吊遗址下的船坞公园。「一心、一环」自然连结三个主要功能带 : 「商业带」、「生活带」与「滨江遗产带」,


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The benefit of this well integrated and connected mixed-use development extends far beyond the notion of aesthetics. Spark’s master plan is founded on the pragmatic principles of good connectivity, density and quality public spaces supported by a rich palette of activities. These will ensure the reimagined Guangzhou shipyard becomes an international level destination for commerce and entertainment and those interested in contemporary living at this unique river heritage location.


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“One Centre”: The Future Valley

「一心」: 未来谷


The “Future Valley” connects the Guanggang Heritage Green Axis and the Guangchuan Riverfront Park, providing the city with a seamless green urban oasis of over 600,000sqm.



With direct access to metro lines, the well-connected “Future Valley” is an urban pedestrian hub and an eco-friendly living room. 



The “Future Tower” located in the centre of the valley is not only an iconic viewing tower destination. It is the hub of the multi-level pedestrian flow and the main converging point of the Guangchuan Ring.

未来谷中央的未来塔, 一方面作为项目标志性建筑,同时也是未来谷的垂直交通枢纽。

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“One Ring”: Guangchuan Ring

 「一环」: 广船环


Spark identifies three key pedestrian connections for the success of Guangchuan master plan: first is the central east-west connection, linking the Guanggang platform park and the metro interchange in the west to the riverfront heritage zone in the east; second is the north-south connection which ties the commercial and residential zones together by the 3-dimensional network nested in the Future Valley and dry dock; and third is the general connection between the commercial zone and the riverfront heritage zone.

「广船环」是整个规划的主要人行动线, 从「一心」「未來谷」出发, 透过多层地表街区和滨江步道,连接「三带」- 商业带,生活带与滨江遗产带。


Respecting the approved city government urban plan, the Guangchuan Ring interprets the above three key connections as various intriguing landscape passages, elevated parks and walkways, animated road-crossing pedestrian tunnels, and riverfront boardwalks.

从城市规划的角度, 我们定义了基地的三个主要人行、车行连接方向 : 其一是主要东西连接, 将广钢公园,地铁与滨水遗产带相连; 其二是南北地块连接, 连结南、北商业及住宅地块; 其三是滨水连接, 将商业带与滨水工业遗产带相连。


Vertical circulation nodes in the forms of social steps, elevators and escalators are strategically inserted to the network, making Guangchuan Ring not only an effective 3-dimensional pedestrian circulation system, but also a unique heritage and leisure destination.

「广船环」在原有上位规划的人行动线基础上, 以加强以上三个主要连接方向为原则, 透过加入多层地表、效仿纽约高线公园的空中绿环以及各种垂直交通等元素, 成就一条围绕中心区域的工业遗产互动环。



“Three Zones”: Commercial Zone, Living Zone, and Riverfront Heritage Zone

「三帶」: 商业带,生活带与滨江遗产带


The 700,000 sqm of commercial space of the master plan is divided into North and South Commercial Zones by the central east-west Future Valley axis.


“South Commercial Zone” consists of 5 plots. It features a 180m headquarter office tower and a creative office tower cluster, termed as “Creative and Tech Gateway”. Adjacent to the creative office towers, as part of the Guangchuan Ring, a multi-level commercial and leisure street zone provides a human scale convivial atmosphere. The 3-dimensional pedestrian network is comprised of a series of green open public spaces,

 between the clustered towers. This network extends to the Riverfront Heritage Zone via a pedestrian bridge which crosses Changdi Road and lands at the upper level of the preserved slipways.

「南商业带」导入总部办公写字楼及创新科技类办公群组, 「一环」中的三維高线及空中绿环部份贯穿其中, 透过三层生态绿化平台,将公园景观引入办公楼,打造共享式服务配套。三維人行网络向东跨过长堤路, 更可直达滨江公园。

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“North Commercial Zone” consists of 6 plots. It features a 300m headquarter office tower, a 220m innovation centre, and a cluster of riverfront independent headquarters. The Northern Commercial Zone spans across Fangcui Road and Changdi Road. Its main commercial street features “high-end” retail shops and restaurants,

it connects the business area to the riverfront park and the Northern Residential Area. The major commercial towers in the North Commercial Zone are connected the metro interchange via a basement pedestrian network.

「北商业帶」导入总部办公大楼、国际科创中心及独立总部办公群組, 有地下商业及人行动线连接地铁及滨江周边。毗邻芳村路长堤路,连接滨江主题公园和高端住宅区。


“Living Zone” delivers over 500,000 sqm of “mid-“ to “high-end” residential area. Via Guangchuan Ring, each sub-zone is well-connected with metro stations, Commercial Zones and Riverfront Heritage Zone.

「住宅带」提供超过50万平方米的高端特色滨江住宅。各住宅片区均可连接「广船环」, 直达地铁、「商业带」及「滨江遗产带」。

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“Riverfront Heritage Zone” features a waterfront park extends along the riparian corridor, a green and urban system punctuated by cultural buildings and nodes of activity aligned to the old slipways and dry dock. A new activated system designed to permeates the whole development and provide the Guangzhou shipyard with a new river facing image that balances evenly heritage and modernity. The waterfront is a key walkable linking device that connects the key development zones with each individual zone connected positively to the other and to nodes of infrastructure, attractions and living and working zones. The riverfront corridor is punctuated by a north south green axis that links an existing city heritage park with the river through the master plan area.


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Two key heritage preservation proposals are Slipway Future Forum and “Dry Dock Joy Valley”. Slipway Future Forum is a multi-function cluster of pavilions linked to the creative offices via a second-level bridge. “Dry Dock Joy Valley” is a child-friendly family destination. The preserved dry dock contains a heritage café, a green park, a kid’s zone and a unique viewing deck over the Pearl River.

东西走向的船坞会打造成以亲子、科技及航海为主题的「船坞欢乐谷」,是滨江遗产带连接西侧地铁及广钢公园的平台的重要连接, 也是「广船环」动线的重要构成。沿着「广船环」从船坞欢乐谷往南滨水遗产走, 可到达「广船文化中心」、「滨水广场」、及「船台未来论坛」。 「船台未来论坛」保留船台古迹及坡度, 其临长堤路的一端, 通过二层连廊,直达「南商业带」创意办公空间。





Spark’s “One Centre, One Ring, Three Zones” structure allows various high and medium density urban areas to be linked to the major infrastructure nodes and points of amenity and activity within close proximity for those visiting, working or living in the area.

在「一心一环三带」的整体结构中, 各种高、中密度城市街区通过基础设施相连,它们的交点成为了访客、居民与公司员工触手可及的生活便利与娱乐设施。


The “Future Harbour City” is a mixed-use development of commercial offices, cultural attractions, residential facilities and a riverfront heritage park. It is destined to become the new landmark of Guangzhou, and the Greater Bay Area.




Total GFA (sqm): 1,254,000sqm (Retail: 677,000sqm, Residential: 525,000sqm, Public: 52,000sqm, Basement: 320,000sqm, Basement retail: 49,300sqm)


总建筑面积:1,254,000平方米(其中商办:677,000平方米,住宅(含配套):525, 000平方米,公共服务设施:52,000平方米, 地下:320,000平方米,地下商业:49,300 平方米)


CREDITS / 设计信息

Project Name:Guangzhou Shipyard Master Plan

Project Location: Liwan District, Guangzhou

Client: Guangzhou Shipyard Industrial Limited

Design Architect: SPARK

Project Director: Stephen Pimbley + Wenhui Lim

Project Associates: Yun Wai Wing, Yaojun

Competiton Phase team: Luca Maccarinelli, Liliani Saputri , Mark Mancenido,Dan Li, Andriani Wira Atmadja, Michael Halagao, Jingren Tan, Cantona Ang Boon Kang, Brian Mah, Clarissa Lim

Concept Phase Team: Jason Ye, Javier Campoy, Liliani Saputri , Joei Wee, Regina Kartika, Qingcheng Guo, Andy Try, Wenwei Sim, Marshell, Jayne Lim

Design Period: 2018 -

Height: 300m







项目总负责:斯蒂芬.平博理 + 林雯慧


竞赛阶段设计团队:Luca Maccarinelli, Liliani Saputri , Mark Mancenido,李珂, Andriani Wira Atmadja, Michael Halagao, Jingren Tan, Cantona Ang Boon Kang, Brian Mah, Clarissa Lim

概念设计团队: 叶军, Javier Campoy, Liliani Saputri , Joei Wee, Regina Kartika, 郭倾城, Andy Try, Wenwei Sim, 余松柏l, Jayne Lim






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